
How much flour do you have? 6
How much sugar do you have? 4
Enough for cookies!

When execution gets to the if statement, it finds that

flour >= 4    --- is true, because 6 >= 4


sugar >= 2    --- is true, because 4 >= 2

Both sides are true, so AND gives true.

AND Operator

The and operator requires that both sides are true:

this side must be true && this side must be true

If both sides are true, the entire expression is true. If either side (or both) are false, the entire expression is false. && is a logical operator because it combines two true/false values into a single true/false value.

and operator in action

Here is what && does:

Use and when every requirement must be met.


Look at the boolean expression:

flour >= 4 && sugar >= 2 

What will the expression give us if flour is 2 and sugar is 0?